Oliver Ross, veteran journalist and host of once-popular TV show "The Ross Perspective," reluctantly visits Western Penitentiary to conduct an interview with Darius Tidman, an infamous Pittsburgh murderer and death row inmate who is scheduled to be executed later that night. The face-to-face special broadcast, programmed by the network as a last-ditch effort to boost Ross’ plummeting ratings, is being shot live from inside the prison walls. What Oliver originally views as a waste of his time quickly turns into a dangerous psychological game between two manipulative alpha males. Behind the scenes, Rhonda Cox, show director and Oliver’s ex-wife, attempts to keep the host on track and guide him through the live broadcast during which he must push through the darkness of the murderer’s world while wrestling with his own personal demons and the demands of the network. Oliver Ross’ career and reputation rest on nailing The Final Interview of Darius Tidman.
Fred Vogel
After his pseudo-snuff classic August Underground (2001) gained the reputation of being the most disturbing movie ever made, Fred Vogel, co-founder of TOETAG INC., established himself as one of the most controversial filmmakers of the new millennium. August Underground’s MORDUM (2004) and August Underground’s PENANCE (2007) completed the violent Trilogy. In 2006, Vogel stepped away from the cinema-verite style he had used for the AU Trilogy and directed a linier tale entitled, The Redsin Tower, which showed his skill as a narrative director. Murder Collection v.1 (2009), Vogel’s 5th feature, is a mind opening look at how today’s new media has led to humanity’s desensitization to violence.
Also in 2009, Vogel co-directed MASKHEAD with screenwriter Scott Swan (co-writer of John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns) which has, much like his previous movies, drawn a cult following. In 2010 Fred directed his 7th film Sella Turcica (2010), which stars Camille Keaton (I Spit on your Grave) and tells a dramatic tale of a paralyzed soldier that returns from war to his family in worse shape than anyone at home could imagine. Fred Vogel is an award-winning director, whose passion for Horror has led him to create some of the most groundbreaking Underground films the genres ever seen.